Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"The Compost Tea Stunk Up My Kitchen"

Well, here I was, wondering what to do with the compost tea, because, all green-ness aside, I don't do inside plants.  Nope, no ferns, no orchids, no mother-in-law's tongue even.  No sunny windows to grow tomatoes in all winter which might interest me more.  Okay, I lied...  There's a small viney plant in the water where Gumdrop III or IV (I forget which), our beta fish, swims, up on the kitchen counter.  But I don't have to feed or water it, you see.  Therefore, it lives.
So what will I do with the compost tea my worms are so kindly manufacturing or by-producing for me?  As I was getting ready to feed them compost yesterday, and had cleaned out the kitchen compost bucket, that's exactly what I was wondering...

And then it suddenly occurred to me --  My beautiful and useful bay leaf plant actually resides across the street all winter, in front of my friend's sunny kitchen window.  So I looked forward all afternoon to bringing her the compost tea, both for my bay leaf and hers, and her other varied and sundry indoor plants, and she was then very excited to receive and immediately pour on our plants.

Much to my chagrin, not much later came an email across my computer --  "The Compost Tea Stunk Up My Kitchen" and even worse, apparently so badly that she doesn't want more!!  Fortunately (for me and my bay leaf) I've already decided to feed them surreptitiously, when they're not home, so no one is offended and our plants are happy and growing.  Sneakily green, that's me!

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